Research article | Open Access
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 2022, Vol. 11(1) 7-18
pp. 7 - 18
Publish Date: February 28, 2022 | Single/Total View: 0/0 | Single/Total Download: 0/0
Keywords: Case method in teacher education, critical thinking, children’s rights, teacher education programs
APA 7th edition
MIZIKACI, F., & TASKIN , P. (2022). Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(1), 7-18.
MIZIKACI, F. and TASKIN , P. (2022). Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(1), pp. 7-18.
Chicago 16th edition
MIZIKACI, Fatma and Pelin TASKIN (2022). "Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case". Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 11 (1):7-18.