Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 2022, Vol. 11(1) 7-18

Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case


pp. 7 - 18

Publish Date: February 28, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


This study explores the effectiveness of case method which is a teaching method in teacher education to develop consciousness about child marriage. This research was designed as a mixed method research including both qualitative and quantitative data. Forty-four students participated in the study to analyse a real life case which aimed to develop critical consciousness about child marriage. The case, Ayşe’s story, which involved controversies between tradition, child abuse and legal sanction. Data were collected through a questionnaire, students’ written answers and an opinion form. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS and qualitative data were analysed using descriptive analysis. Findings showed that students acquired knowledge on children’s rights and legal duties and responsibilities of teachers. They stated that they understood child marriage is related with the violation of children’s rights. Case method as a teaching method was effective to develop understanding but not critical positioning about children’s rights and critical positioning against child abuse. It is recommended the case method be integrated into overall curriculum and used insistently.

Keywords: Case method in teacher education, critical thinking, children’s rights, teacher education programs

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APA 7th edition
MIZIKACI, F., & TASKIN , P. (2022). Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(1), 7-18.

MIZIKACI, F. and TASKIN , P. (2022). Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(1), pp. 7-18.

Chicago 16th edition
MIZIKACI, Fatma and Pelin TASKIN  (2022). "Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Gaınıng Crıtıcal Conscıousness Through Case Method: a Chıld Marrıage Case". Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 11 (1):7-18.