
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching started its publication life in 2012. It is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal published semi-annually electronically. It is published two issues a year, in June and December.

Journal of Education and Training Research aims to contribute to the field of education in Turkey and in the world, to develop lifelong education and learning, and to contribute to the improvement of outputs in education and training processes and in all dimensions of education that affect these processes. For this reason, Turkish and English articles are accepted to the journal, which accepts articles in all fields related to education.

It is essential that Turkish articles are written in accordance with TDK rules.

In order for the articles to be included in the referee process, the original and unpublished candidate articles should be prepared in accordance with the journal format, have a similarity report score of less than 20%, and be documented in accordance with the principles of scientific research and publication ethics (ethics committee report) is required. Candidate articles that pass the editorial review are directed to two referees. After the referee evaluation of the articles sent to the third referee in case of conflict, the publication decision is made by the editors.

The Journal of Research in Education and Teaching is a free journal. There is no charge for publishing an article. In addition, in order to maintain the open publication policy of the journal and to increase the visibility of the published articles, the coverage of the Open Access Fee (APC) by the authors will be determined and announced after the meeting to be held by the editorial board.

The first issue of the Journal of Research in Education and Teaching was published on 01 February 2012. It was founded by Prof. Dr. Zeki Kaya. Our international journal, whose publication processes are carried out in accordance with scientific and blind refereeing rules, is regularly published quarterly, four times a year. These months when the Journal of Education and Training Research was published; February, May, August, November. Each issue is published regularly in the relevant month.

Original research articles and theoretical studies produced with qualitative, quantitative, mixed and newer research approaches in the field of education are accepted to the journal.

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