Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 2022, Vol. 11(2) 84-90

Corruptıon Practıces in Healthcare Sector and Mechanısms for Preventıng


pp. 84 - 90

Publish Date: May 31, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


Corruption in healthcare sector could have severe consequences for access, quality, equity, efficiency, and efficacy of health services. Different measures could be obtained in regard to prevention and control of informal payments and corruption practices in the healthcare sector. Most of the measures are targeted at patients, medical professionals, and/or health care institutions. To improve the basis for more sustainable and efficient healthcare system there has to be implementation of strong and effective mechanisms for control and reduce of corruption practices involving all stakeholders. Successful action against prevention and limitation of corruption depends on knowledge-based attitude. Corruption could be limited or prevented when there are no gaps in legal regulatory framework, in the structure of the regulations themselves, as well as in monitoring and enforcement mechanisms applied.

Keywords: Corruption, healthcare, preventive mechanisms, accountability

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
DELIVERSKY, J. (2022). Corruptıon Practıces in Healthcare Sector and Mechanısms for Preventıng. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(2), 84-90.

DELIVERSKY, J. (2022). Corruptıon Practıces in Healthcare Sector and Mechanısms for Preventıng. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(2), pp. 84-90.

Chicago 16th edition
DELIVERSKY, Jordan (2022). "Corruptıon Practıces in Healthcare Sector and Mechanısms for Preventıng". Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 11 (2):84-90.