Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 2022, Vol. 11(2) 118-128

Cost in Cooperatıve Leadershıp: the Network Approach as an Organısıng Strategy for the Excessıve Flow of İnformatıon in İnstıtutıons


pp. 118 - 128

Publish Date: May 31, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The main purpose in this study is to produce strategies with the purpose of reducing excessive information and work load in educational institutions as a cost of cooperative leadership. In line with this main purpose, the answers to the following questions have been sought for in the study: In the analyzed group (1) is there a problem of excessive information and work load? (2) What are the key actors for excessive information and work load? (3) Which precautions can be taken for the solution of problems identified in the management of networks? Method: This study in the survey model has bene conducted at the Directorate of Educational Inspectors affiliated to the ministry of Education of a mid-scale city in 2015 through the social network analysis approach. In the analysis group consisting of a chairman and four groups which work dependently on the chairman, where each groups has three inspectors each, there are 13 educational inspectors. Nine (9) participants have supported the study. Social network analysis used in the study is an interdisciplinary study approach which has unique measurements in terms of identifying the relationships between inter-actors. It allows actors and relationships between inter-actors and the structure formed by these relationships to be digitized or put forward in the form of graphics. A contemporary social network analysis carries these basic characteristics: (i) it justifies the insights in terms of structural connections which connect social actors with one another, (ii) this empirical data is collected systematically and is controlled, (iii) this data is presented through graphics and (iv) in these calculations, mathematical models are relied on. In the study, the main data of the analysis has been collected through the semi-structured interview method. The participants have been asked to note their interviews related to subjects on their duties within one work day (number and person) using the tally method on the form prepared to collect data. It has been asked to eliminate interviews with personal content, which do not facilitate the conduct of the study and do not carry informative value. Data collected from a total of 9 participants have been analyzed with UCINET 6.0 which is the software program used for Social Network Analysis and values of density, degree and betweenness which are unique calculations to social network analysis have been calculated and the network relationships have been presented visually in the graphics. Results: According to the findings of the study, interviews which take up the most time in the participants’ daily work and do not facilitate their work and do not carry informative value are of a higher rate (65%). In addition to this, some participants (5, 2, 1) within the group in the network assume a more critical role in terms of information flow. It has been determined that investigation duties accumulate on certain participants and that these considerably slow down duties and create pressure on participants. This situation has been presented visually as well through the formation of network maps.

Keywords: Cooperative leadership, network approach, organizing strategy, social network analysis, inspector

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APA 7th edition
KAPUSUZOGLU, S., & EREN, Z. (2022). Cost in Cooperatıve Leadershıp: the Network Approach as an Organısıng Strategy for the Excessıve Flow of İnformatıon in İnstıtutıons. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(2), 118-128.

KAPUSUZOGLU, S. and EREN, Z. (2022). Cost in Cooperatıve Leadershıp: the Network Approach as an Organısıng Strategy for the Excessıve Flow of İnformatıon in İnstıtutıons. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 11(2), pp. 118-128.

Chicago 16th edition
KAPUSUZOGLU, Saduman and Zeynep EREN (2022). "Cost in Cooperatıve Leadershıp: the Network Approach as an Organısıng Strategy for the Excessıve Flow of İnformatıon in İnstıtutıons". Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 11 (2):118-128.