Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 2024, Vol. 13(2) 25-38

Emergency Remote Educatıon After Covıd-19 in EURopean Countrıes: Scıence Teachers' Vıews


pp. 25 - 38

Publish Date: May 31, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


This study explores the perspectives of European science teachers on emergency remote education after the Covid-19 pandemic. School closures in 2020 led to a rapid shift to distance learning, making it crucial to understand teachers' experiences, challenges, and satisfaction. Using a qualitative case study approach, the research focused on science teachers' experiences during the pandemic and their interpretations of those experiences. Semi-structured interviews with nine teachers from various European countries explored aspects like difficulties faced, student interaction, technology infrastructure, motivation, and assessment. Despite challenges, the study found that some teachers saw advantages in distance education, including increased student motivation, improved technology skills, and flexible learning environments. These findings, from just nine teachers, suggest distance education could become a permanent feature, informing future decisions about success factors and educational system development. It is also recommended that the study be replicated in different regions.

Keywords: Open and distance education, emergency remote education, case study, qualitative method, distance science teaching

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
OZEN, E., & OZKARA, F.C. (2024). Emergency Remote Educatıon After Covıd-19 in EURopean Countrıes: Scıence Teachers' Vıews. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 13(2), 25-38.

OZEN, E. and OZKARA, F. (2024). Emergency Remote Educatıon After Covıd-19 in EURopean Countrıes: Scıence Teachers' Vıews. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 13(2), pp. 25-38.

Chicago 16th edition
OZEN, Emin and Funda CIRAY OZKARA (2024). "Emergency Remote Educatıon After Covıd-19 in EURopean Countrıes: Scıence Teachers' Vıews". Journal of Research in Education and Teaching 13 (2):25-38.