Volume 1 Issue 1 (February 2012)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Meslek Liselerinde Yöneticiler ve Öğretmenler Arasındaki İletişim Sorunları

Şenay Sezgin Nartgün, Yalçın Çakmak

pp. 1 - 14


The primary aim of this study is to determine/ investigate the opinions of administrators and teachers working at vocational high schools. the study was designed as a survey study and it was a quantitave study.The population of the study was formed by school administrators and teachers (n=348) working at vocational high schools located in the city center of Bolu. In the fall semester of 2008-2009 academic year. Some of the findings of the study are as follows : School administrators and teachers are respectful to each other but they are not open to criticisms, they do not develop empathy and the administrators send the messages on time, there was a significant meaningful difference between the opinions of administrators and teachers when the variable years of experience is concerned.

Keywords: Communication, Teacher, Administrator, Vocatioal High Schools

Original Articles Fen ve Teknoloji Dersinin Öğretmenler Tarafından Uygulanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Tohit Güneş, Nilay Şener Dilek, Meral Hoplan, Oktay Güneş

pp. 15 - 23


In this study The Science and Technology Programme 2004 in Primary Education was evaluated in accordance with the views of science teachers in terms of its contents and implementation. Within this context, 45 science teachers working in primary schools in the centre of Samsun were subjected to a survey composed of 14 multiple choice questions and 3 open ended questions on the content, implementation and laboratory practices of the lesson. While the data obtained from the multiple choice questions were analysed by means of SPSS 18, the open ended questions were evaluated in quality. It was determined at the end of the study that the majority of the teachers rarely use laboratory although they stated that they would like to carry out their lessons through experiments, which is preferred by the students. Also, the teachers stated that they most exploit the narrative and question-answer methods in their lessons, they teach the topics superficially, for the time allocated for the lesson is limited and therefore they can’t teach all the subjects in the programme. It was concluded at the end of the study that the content of the programme is too much and the teachers insist on exploiting conventional methods.

Keywords: Science and Technology Programme, programme evaluation, views of the teachers

Original Articles İşbirlikli Öğrenme Yönteminin 6. Sınıf Fen ve Teknoloji Dersinde Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarılarına Etkisi

Gökhan Aksoy, Fatih Gürbüz

pp. 24 - 31


The aim of this study is to determine the effects of Group Investigation technique and Traditional Teaching methods on academic achievement of sixth grade students at unit of the “earth’s crust consist of what”. The sample of this study consists of 62 6th grade students who were taught in an elementary school during the 2010-2011 academic years. As the data collection instrument, Academic Achievement Test (AAT) was used. This study carried out in two different groups. One of the groups was selected randomly as the Group Investigation Group (LIG) and the second was selected as the Traditional Teaching Group (TTG). The data obtained on instruments were evaluated by using descriptive statistic, independent samples t test, paired sample t test and effect sizes. As the result of the research revealed that Group Investigation Group (LIG) is more successful than Traditional Teaching Group (TTG).

Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Group Investigation Technique, Traditional Teaching Methods, Science and Technology Course

Original Articles Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiş Sürecinde İlköğretim Öğretmenlerinin Bilgi Toplumu Öğretmen Yeterliliklerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi (Gaziantep İli Örneği)

Hasan Bozaslan

pp. 32 - 40


Information society occurs with the development of information technologies and the effect of globalization. In the information society the social transformations happen distinctly from agricultural society and industrial society. This transformations and changes bring with some problems. Upon those problems; one of the ways to receive the solution is to find the source of the problems and remove them initially. In this study, teachers who worked at the institutions under the Ministry of National Education were evaluated in terms of the criteria of information society. The data were collected with "The Information Society Teacher Qualifications" scale developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 16.0 program. Kruskal-Wallis H, One-Way ANOVA tests were used during the analyzing of data. Scheffe test was used in order to determine the source of difference found as significant after the variance analysis. At the end of the study Computers, Mathematics, and Science & Technology teachers’ information technology and problem-solving skills were found as high level of competence. Besides, their lifelong learning and information skills were found as low level of qualifications. And the qualifications of teachers who worked at the departments of Painting, Music, Physical Education have been found as low level.

Keywords: : Information Society, Information Society Education, Social Transformation, Teacher Qualifications

Original Articles Müzik Öğretmeni Adaylarının Mesleklerinden Beklentileri

Deniz Beste Çevik, Serkan Perkmen, Mahir Alkan

pp. 41 - 45


Expectations mean imagining consequences of an action. Derek Mithaug mentions; ‘’Students who will graduate from music departments begin to think about their expectations of their professions after graduating.In this regard, their certain apprehensions reflect on questions like ‘How will I fend for myself?’ or ‘Am I able to maintain my life as a musician?’. If you have registered a music degree program nowadays or if you have recently graduated from a music degree program you should be encouraged to do music teaching,music management or theaching profession’’ (Mithaug, 2004). However, profession expectations of students who prefer department of music teaching are not particularly known. The progress and the quality in education and students’ expectations of their professions is undoubtedly in direct proportion to be met these expectations in future. In this regard, examining music teacher candidates’ expectations from their professions is of great importance. 5 students are interviewed for this study. The responses that students have given are explained in the light of Work Adjustment Theory and Two Factor Theory. Some Recommendations are given about professional satisfaction and theories’ validity

Keywords: Expectation, Value, Music Teacher Candidates, Satisfaction of the Department

Original Articles Güzel Sanatlar ve Spor Liselerinde Öğrenim Gören Müzik Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Piyano Derslerinde Türk Bestecilerinin Eserlerinin Kullanılma Durumlarına Yönelik Görüşleri

Deniz Beste Çevik, Elif Güven

pp. 46 - 52


Instrument training has a place in institutions given music education.Piano is one of the most basic instruments especially in music education. The basic aim of piano training is the ability of providing to achieve a sustantial technique to the induvidual and to develop musically. Teaching from simple to complex and from known to unknown is the basic principle in piano training. It is needed to teach wide range of work belonging to all periods to the students through their piano training. What is important is that students should have an extensive vocabulary in piano. Piano trainers should introduce these works to their students, develop students technically and lead students in comprehending formal structures of epochal works. In this regard, giving a place to the works of Turkish Composers is of capital importance in piano lessons in Art and Sport Highschool which is one of the institutions that give music training. Revealing of Art and Sport Highschool students’ views about using Turkish Composers’ works in piano lessons is aimed and assesment oriented screening model is based on this research. The questionnaire reformed by researchers is used to collect data. In data analysis, findings are grouped and presented in tabular ways.

Keywords: Piano Training, Turkish Composers’ Piano Works

Original Articles Fen Eğitiminde 5E Modeli ile İlgili Yazılı Kaynaklar Dizini

İsmet Ergin

pp. 53 - 67


This study is an explanatory bibliography composed of an index of articles published in various scientific journals, symposium reports, thesis and books related with 5E Model which took structuring approach as basis and which is especially popular and used in implementation of the curriculum of primary and secondary education formed by National Education Ministry. This study is a explanatory literature review. Studies are arranged according to historical order

Keywords: Science Education, 5E Model, Written Sources, Bibliography

Original Articles İngilizce Öğretmeni Adaylarının Sesletim Öğrenimine Yönelik Tutumları ve Bireysel Değişkenler ile İlişkileri

Sibel Hişmanoğlu

pp. 67 - 76


Pronunciation learning and teaching is of utmost importance during interaction in the target language;however, it is mostly neglected in foreign language education. On tne other hand, attitude is one of the most significant individual variable influencing language learning and teaching processes. Even if the concept of attitude has been investigated in such language skills as reading,writing,speaking and listening, it is not widely explored in the realm of pronunciation instruction. Thus, this study aims to abridge these two ignored area in foreign language education. First, the importance of pronunciation instruction is emphasized. Then, methodological components are explained in detail and the results of the collected data showing highly positive attitudes of prospective foreign language teachers are stated. Lastly, the findings are discussed in the light of the concurrent literature.

Keywords: Pronunciation learning, attitude, foreign language education

Original Articles 8. Sınıf Kuvvet ve Hareket Ünitesinde Animasyon Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarılarına, Öğrenilen Bilgilerin Kalıcılığına ve Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerine Etkisi

İkramettin Daşdemir, Kemal Doymuş

pp. 77 - 87


This study is carried out to determine the effect of using animation on students' academic achievement, retention of these achievement and development of scientific process skills in force and motion curriculum of science and technology in eighth grade primary school and it is also carried out to determine students' perspectives about animation. The sample of this research consists of 37 students studying in eighth gradesunit primary school with computer hardware which is in the Erzurum city centre depending on the Ministry of National Education. The study is carried out by using two different teaching methods. The first of these methods is animation-supported student-centered teaching method (experimental group) and the other is student-centered teaching method (control group). There is 17 students in the experimental group and 20 students in the control group. The research is applied in the period of spring in 2010-2011 academic year. Result of the study reveals that use of animation in Science and Technology in primary schools has a statistically significant effect on students' academic achievement, retention of knowledge and scientific process skills. In addition, it is determined that the students in experimental groups have positive thoughts about the use of animation.

Keywords: Using of animation, science and technology education, science process skills test, animation opinion scale.

Original Articles Fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adaylarının Kuvvet ve Hareket ile İlgili Sahip Olduğu Kavram Yanılgılarının Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Karikatürlerin ve Çoktan Seçmeli Soruların Etkililiğinin Karşılaştırılması

Yahya Demir, Mustafa Uzoğlu, Erdoğan Büyükkasap

pp. 88 - 102


In this research, students’ ideas of force and movement was investigated with a qualitative study using concept cartoons and multiple choose questions. Participating students were in Science Education Teacher Training program 1nd, 2nd and 3rd classes in a large Eastern university. Two tests were implemented to total of 212 students. Results of this study indicated that university students have different understanding of those mentioned science topic both the open ended tests and concept cartoons could be used. Further, there are some particular advantages of using concept cartoons such as more comprehensive responses than open ended items.

Keywords: Concept, misconception, concept cartoons, multiple choose questions

Original Articles Öğrencilerin Rasyonel Sayılar Kümesinin Yoğunluğunu Anlamaları

Devrim Yaşar Aktaş, Meral Cansız Aktaş

pp. 103 - 110


The aim of this study is to determine students’ understanding of density in the set of rational numbers. The participants of this study were students who were studying at a high school in the city of Ordu. Data were collected by using the question set which was presented by Vamvakoussi and Vosniadou(2010). In this question set there were intervals with different typed endpoints(natural number-natural number, natural numberdecimal, decimal-decimal and fraction-fraction). The participants were asked how many and what type of numbers were there in these intervals and their responses were interpreted within the framework theory approach to conceptual change. At the end of the study it was determined that students’ had some difficulities with the density of rational numbers because of their ideas of discreteness. Additionally it was revealed that their responses about the number of intermediate numbers in those intervals effected by the symbolic representation of endpoints.

Keywords: Conceptual change, rational numbers, density

Original Articles Öğretmen Adaylarının Sınıf Ortamında Yapılandırmacılık Yaklaşımına Uygun Çalışmalar Gerçekleştirilmesine İlişkin Gözlemleri

Erten Gökçe, Canay Demirhan İşcan, Aliye Erdem

pp. 111 - 127


The aim of this study is to reveal the status of implementation lessons with the descriptions which teacher candidates have carried out according to the primary school teachers’ constructivism approach. In the direction of this aim, it has been studied on decision for the suitability of the studies which are necessary in class, teaching and learning activities in class, studies which primary school teachers and students carry out pursuant to constructivism approach during the teaching and learning process. In 2011 – 2012 Academic Year fall semester, 50 teacher candidates who do internship in Primary Schools have taken part in the study. In this research, observation from qualitative research methods has been used. It has been demanded that teacher candidates observe the class teachers by using observation forms and taking notes of open-ended questions in the direction of 5E learning cycle’s principles used in the constructivism approach by primary school teachers. Teacher candidates have taken notes of open-ended questions about studies that teachers and students have carried out during the teaching-learning process. The data which have been acquired from the observation notes have been analysed by descriptive anlysis being used. According to the results from the findings of the study; primary school teachers observed by teacher candidates, generally did not carry out classroom activities according to the 5E model which is one of the learning cycle used in the framework of constructivism.

Keywords: Primary school teacher, teacher candidates, teaching-learning process, constructivism approach